

Copy content of current branch to a new branch

If I'm on main (or some old_branch) and I forget to create a new branch before I start working on something, I can do this to copy the contents of main to a new branch (ex. new_branch) and then switch to that, assuming I haven't committed anything yet.

git checkout -b new_branch old_branch

Pull changes back into local branch

An example would be when I have an open PR, I merge another PR into that open one, and now I want to pull everything from the open PR back into my local.

git pull origin pull/_prNumber_/head
ex. git pull origin pull/177/head

Open a pull request

gh pr create

Apply a specific stash

After git stash list to see the list of stashes, you can apply a specific one by using the following command:

git stash apply stash@{n}

Take a list of stashes for example using git stash list:

stash@{0}: WIP on cdt-example-branch: 61a67951 new base url
stash@{1}: WIP on cdt-example-branch: 1c09c67a add favicon
stash@{2}: WIP on cdt-example-branch: 866ab427 swap images

If you want the middle stash, you can use the following command:

git stash apply stash@{1}